Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Sisters of Mercy

Oh, Leonard. We hardly knew ye But of course Waltz Wednesday is often just my excuse to post a song that I think is amazing even if it's not in some odd time signature And the secret of life is in this song somewhere, I…

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David F

Deranged... I Hope

This tweet has two possible explanations: I actually think #1 is a bit preferable? Because if it's #2 and 30% of our population are this far gone from reality, they will rip civilization to shreds as soon as that recession hits.

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David F


Well, we say goodbye to Joan and Sherlock. I liked that this show depicted a loving relationship between working partners that never needed to go to a sexual or romantic one. A heterosexual man and a heterosexual woman are allowed to just plain like, even…

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David F

Fifty Years

How can it have been fifty years? For my readers of A Certain Age: if you weren't there, maybe you tell people you were. You definitely nod along to this: Well, let me tell you, my brethren: that performance of this song should never have…

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David F

What Did He Know?

What did Jeffrey Epstein know? About whom? Where are all the recordings? I bet President Pumpkin would really like to know. I sincerely hope Epstein had copies on a dead-man switch ready to dump any day now.

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