Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Pink Sneakers

Men can't wear pink sneakers! Didja know that? My wife Jill was having lunch today with two male colleagues. Let's change the names to protect the benighted. We'll call them X and Y. As they were waiting for their food a table next to them…

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David F

C'mon, Portland, Tell Us How You Really Feel!

Another sporting event participated in another (probably purchased) veneration of the military. Incidentally, shit like this is a major hallmark of fascism - see #4. The crowd weren't having that. For extra credit, go back to the Characteristics of Fascism piece I linked and find…

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David F

Just the Thing

The USA's approach to health care stems from the basic fact that (according to rich people), being poor is a result of bad character. You, poor person, have bad character, made bad choices as a result, so now you have no access to health care…

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