Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Watch the Footage

Or... you know... "read the transcript." In reality the Pumpkin-heads bellow, "read the transcript" because they know: When you think about it, this is some amazingly cutting-edge lying! It's as if there's been bleeding edge research on the techniques of lying and bullshitting. In fact,…

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David F

Lazy Caturday

Alice is trying for one. She does like an unmade bed, she does. But she's too easily distracted by da hooman wif da cameraphoneclickything. Gertrude, on the other hand, is a solid pro. That's some focus, that is.

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David F

Oh Now That Explains It

Here you have a perfectly reasonable explanation why the House should just fold it up. Pumpkin is deploying the very facts that should send him to prison in his defense. And based on the propaganda techniques he's using, it will probably work. He has now…

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