
As I mentioned last week, Train Music Thursday is now bi-weekly, alternating with Waltz Wednesdays. By the way - "bi-weekly" means every two weeks, not twice a week.  I'm looking at you, Merriam-Webster. 

And all you kids, get off my lawn. 

Now that we have the curmudgeonly business out of the way: today's selection is Mystery Train. To me, the title is a mystery. The train takes his lover away, then the train brings her home again. Marvelous tune, anyway. You may remember this fabulous performance from The Last Waltz, by The Band with Paul Butterfield:

They say The Last Waltz is one of the greatest concert films ever made.  I say, whaddaya mean, "one of"?

Now we know The Band was covering Elvis from 25 years earlier:

And if there's anything we know about Elvis, it's that he stole generously from Black men a generation before him.  Sure enough, the writer of the song was Junior Parker:

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F