
From the Buffalo News:

Rep. Louise M. Slaughter didn't live to see Rep. Chris Collins' perp walk last Wednesday, but she might have set it in motion.

It went little-noticed at the time, but early last June, Slaughter went into a rage over a report in the Hill newspaper. The report said Collins, at a dinner with congressional colleagues, urged them to invest in Innate Immunotherapeutics, the tiny Australian biotech that counted the Republican congressman from Clarence as its largest investor.

She stayed on this until a full investigation was going.  And last week, it bore its fruit.

Louise passed away in March, but until that day, she was my Congresswoman.  Now here she is, kicking Rethuglican ass from beyond the grave. 

Having Louise represent me in Washington has been one of the best things in my life as a political animal.  She is sorely missed.  

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F