
So many hoaxes!

Click for all the hoaxes!

Pumpkin voters are happy to disconnect from reality for their master. They will do whatever he tells them, because he enables their racism. At some level they know the racism is bad, but it feels so right. Pumpkin enables their racism. He tells them over and over, in word and deed, it's alright to be racist. It's what Real Americans™ do.

Now, at some level they know they should be ashamed of this racism, but it's addicting. It's a sense of superiority and self-worth that is otherwise unavailable to them. But because they know it's shameful, they lie about it. Especially to pollsters. This is why Hilary was leading in the polls going into Election Day in 2016, and at least partly why Biden is leading now.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F