David F

David F (2031)

Meta-Infra Note

So. I've a new desktop machine and it's being more work than I anticipated. (I am writing this post on a laptop because the desk machine is nowhere near ready to blog.) The new box has an #NVidia GPU and of course I plan to…

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Freedom of the Press

To what extent should the freedom to lie, and to undermine society, be protected? I think in the case of Fox News and its even crazier cousins to the right (OAN, etc.) the Paradox of Tolerance may be kicking in. The problem is, of course,…

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I can see her point

Everyone with an interest in the economy tanking, so as to exploit employees rapaciously for a few more quarters, is telling us the economy is about to tank. For example, this putz. Although, to be fair, the WSJ Op-Ed page is basically lies and propaganda…

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