David F

David F (2031)

Tanned, Rested and Ready

Back from my little B-Sides break. Back in fighting form and ready to take it all on! B-Sides is tiring... I slept as much in the past three nights as I do in a typical week. But it's all worth it. So much nerdery concentrated…

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Gas Prices

This is an ideal solution, that will, of course, not occur. But anyone can do their part by: driving less, using public transit, voting out all Rethuglicans and also any Dems who take carbon money (looking at you, Manchin), and of course driving smaller cars.

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Snoozy Caturday

It's the Gertrude & Alice show today. It's cold outside, and a little snowy. So the fire is going inside. This makes the cats... very tired. So, so tired.

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