David F

David F (2031)


Florida's "Don't Say Gay" bill has gone into effect, and the idiots who passed it should have been careful what they wished for because they are really gonna get it: The point is not whether this is a just-so story or an actual email from…

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April 1st

Maybe I am just an old curmudgeon now, but let me tell you: in the age of the Internet, April Fools Day sucks. And it has for some time. People do not understand what a proper April Fool joke is. And the spew of nonsense…

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I think it's sinking in

The current crop of Rethuglicans completely resist parody. this is why we can't have nice things. or parody. And even Tom T is starting to get it.... There is #NoParody

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Norwalk Havoc

Spending a day watching robot combat at Norwalk Havoc Robot League. It's going on until late in the evening. Here's the current stream And oh by the way: Depth Charge should have been DQ'ed. #justiceforjames

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Alternate History

I would love to read an alternate history where the US has a decent 21st-century rail system, and the auto/oil complex was never allowed to destroy it. Not in cities, and not in the nation as a whole. A proper bullet train could make NY…

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