A Maze in Corning

We visited Corning yesterday, which is quite a bit dolled-up from when I last stopped there. Well, I admit: that was in a year that began with a '1'.

This may be very silly but I was struck by how cool it was to find a maze to solve on the midpoint of the Centerway pedestrian bridge across the Chemung river.  (Yes, I shot the video in portrait mode.  That's how it's natural to hold a phone.  Deal.  Clearly, I won't be submitting any of my work to Sundance, anytime soon.)

Here, soothe your aesthetic with some landscape mode photos.


Corning made a very nice visit but I need to live in a "real city."  Rochester is barely enough for me in that respect.  I don't think I could live in Corning.

It's not you, Corning, it's me.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F