David F

David F (2031)

Nerdy Games

Wordle is the game polluting all your social media feeds with weird little diagrams like this one: Wordle 234 4/6⬜🟩🟩⬜🟩🟨⬜🟨⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜🟨🟨🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 So you either love or hate this, by now. I happen to love it. I am also loving Dordle: You are playing for TWO words,…

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At the top I don't think the propagators of these idiocies are sincere, but they are leveraging the last 40+ years demolition of our education system to get hoi polloi believing the most amazing and destructive bullshit. If I could arrange the universe in a…

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You've seen this movie, haven't you? I mean, you have to have to have seen this movie. I am 100% serious, this is a very important movie. As we're having Nazi-quality book-burnings in 2022 America right f*cking now, this is a very important movie. Go…

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I like the calliope feel of the brass at the chorus. Why this song? Again? Rise and shine, campers! Don't forget your booties because it's cold out there today! some movie

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We all need secrets. Especially, the passwords and other codes we use to access online systems. There's no good reason why this should keep happening! But yes, we can do better. See how, here: Your Passwords Suck. And look for an update of that item…

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