David F

David F (2031)

The Onion Gets the Story

And they run this story... over and over. Now the shooters themselves are starting to be more explicit. This latest one, literally around the corner from my office, was explicitly and exclusively about race. And directly echoing villains like Tucker Carlson, or Elise Stefanik, whose…

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Gödel's Loophole

From the always-excellent Futility Closet: In 1947 Einstein and economist Oskar Morgenstern accompanied Gödel to his U.S. citizenship exam because they were concerned about his unpredictable behavior: During his voluminous preparation for the exam, Gödel said, he had uncovered a flaw in the U.S. constitution…

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There Are Not Enough Curses

...for this person. Nor are there any evil enough. When the Senate voted down the codification of Roe v. Wade, this asshole is why and how the side of evil won this battle. Since there is no curse, here's a wish: may he become completely…

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